Western Stabilization

Western Stabilization working under Teichert Construction turned the dilapidated Road 102 near Woodland Ca. back to a usable base material. We Pulverized the existing AC and some of the Base and added cement. This Full Depth Reclamation job is an awesome example of recycling old roads. Why remove and replace when you can Pulverize and…

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Western Stabilization

Western Stabilization has pulverized the Leisure Town freeway exit off of West Bound 80. The new overpass and Kaiser Hospital are great additions to this area. We turned the old exit back into re-usable base rock. Recycling saves our natural resources in more ways than one. Western pulverized 36,000 square feet at a depth of…

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Western Stabilization

There’s NO down-side! Asphalt Pulverization Recycling saves the cost of excavating the old base, as well as the cost of importing new base materials. The options are simple. Bring in new aggregate at considerable cost or recycle your existing asphalt to create a new base at minimal cost. This job required a uniform pulverized mixture…

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